How To Swap Your QUANTOCOIN Tokens on TimeX


Swapping your QUANTOCOIN tokens from Waves to Binance Smart Chain is fast and easy on TimeX. This article provides a step-by-step guide on the swap process.


As we explained in a recent blog post, QUANTOCOIN is migrating blockchains from Waves to Binance Smart Chain (BSC). 


QUANTOCOIN is the native token of the crypto banking and payment solution QuantoPay, a second-generation fintech platform that gives users new ways to save, spend and earn using blockchain technology.


QUANTOCOIN was launched four years ago on the Waves platform, but it’s now time to migrate to BSC to spur mainstream adoption and bring the project to a larger community of crypto users. The chain swap is taking place on TimeX, and can be completed with minimal friction.


Swapping QTC: Step by step

Once Waves-based QTC tokens are deposited to TimeX, the rest of the swap happens automatically. The process can be completed in minutes for existing TimeX users, and only slightly longer for newcomers.


  1. Register on TimeX if you haven’t already.


  1. Complete the verification process to level 4. This is a legal requirement and involves providing a selfie, proof of identity and up-to-date address. You can find out more information about KYC on our blog.


  1. Once you’re verified, go to your Balances page and find the QUANTOCOIN token (QTCT) entry at the bottom of the list.

Screenshot, Quantocoin Balance TimeX

  1. Click DEPOSIT, copy the address, and send your Waves QTC tokens to this address.


  1. Your QTC balance in BSC tokens will be credited to your account, and you will be able to withdraw them to an external BSC wallet, or trade them on TimeX, after the swap period ends.


If you have any questions about your TimeX account or your tokens once you have started the swap process, simply contact support using the button at the bottom right of the screen.

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